A dystopian vision of the future

And it is entirely probable - from Captain Capitalism:

The Parasitic Human Bubble
First there was the dotcom bubble. Companies magically were 400% more valuable because you put a ".com" at the end or an "e-" or "i-" at the beginning of a company's name.

Then there was the housing bubble. Housing always goes up and ignore those liberals jacking up your property taxes making home ownership mathematically and factually a perpetuity liability.

And naturally there's the education bubble. "Major in what you want and the money will follow!" "Any degree is good degree!" "It'll open up doors!" And thus came a wave of puppetry degrees, "Beyonce Studies," and "CIS-Gendered-Hermaphrodite-Peruvian-Lesbian-Poety" majors.

But while all of these bubbles did (and will have) devastating consequences for the economy....

"do you recall...the most devastating bubble of them all?"

We can focus on individual sectors such as technology, real estate and education, but the largest and granddaddiest bubble is about to happen. And it isn't going to hit a "sector" or a specific "industry" but pretty much half our population, and by default consume the remaining half - the parasitic human bubble.

Understand that since the "Great Society" the United States (and most western nations) have been championing the losers of society. Originally it was set out with good intentions. Who doesn't want to help the poor? Who doesn't want to help the disadvantaged? Who doesn't want their fellow man to succeed and thrive? But as we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions and what once may have started out as a charitable endeavor quickly turned into a political tool for the left to bribe blocks, segments, divisions and groups of people into voting for them. And as human nature is prone to do, the beneficiaries of these government programs raced to the bottom. They didn't take the proceeds and use it to improve their lives, but instead used it to loaf around and enjoy leisure. They didn't take the government cheese as a temporary measure to increase their skills to start a new successful career, but as a way to take a permanent vacation. And they didn't view this charity as "other kind and generous people's money," but rather an entitlement they deserved.

A bit more - how it begins:

It could be dramatic where one day the EBT cards won't work, the TANF check bounces, or the WIC office is closed. The parasitic humans will get upset, raid the local grocery store or Wal-Mart before they starve, but this will only exacerbate their problems as on the supply side stores will close and refuse to be re-supplied. Once their pilfered supplies run out, the parasitic humans will be forced to forage for food elsewhere forcing them into areas where people are more heavily armed, overly-taxed, and quite pissed off about being forced to support a parasitic class for decades. Riots and firefights break out and in comes the National Guard. Martial law is established, rationing is enforced, but this only sends us down the spiral further and faster as such restrictions grind the economy to a halt, and society inevitably collapses.

It could be slow and controlled. Politicians, even though incredibly stupid and corrupt, are forced to see the simple mathematical fact they don't have the money to maintain their bribery and are forced to slowly cut the supply of resources to the parasitic classes. The parasitic humans complain and get angry (ever see the teachers union complain about a "cut in the INCREASE" of their budget and scream bloody murder?), but not enough to riot or cause civil disorder. Unfortunately, for the leftist politicians, they are mathematically forced to commit to this new strategy of amortizing down the benefits of the parasitic humans, and over time slowly alienate their voter base. It is possible, over time and over generations, the parasitic humans are forced to learn independence, self-reliance, heck, even "achievement," "entrepreneurship," and "excellence," but regardless of personal economic epiphanies, the parasite human bubble slowly deflates. Of course the economy doesn't "boom" because of the crippling debt load we've taken on paying for bread and circuses and so the United States is relegated to a half-century-long stagnation like Japan or Italy. Malaise sets in and western civilization stops advancing.

Sobering thoughts.

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