Programming is done with English-language command words and punctuation. If you do not get something correct, the program will crash and the location of the error is not always obvious.
Some evil genius noted that the Greek question mark (;) looks a lot like an English semi-colon (;) - used a lot in programming. Substituting one for the other provides endless hours of hair pulling and gnashing of teeth.
Some other evil genius wrote a program to make the substitutions automatically - surreptitiously run your cow-orkers code through this and sit back and watch the fun.
I present mimic:
[ab]using Unicode to create tragedy
mimic provokes:
- fun
- frustration
- curiosity
- murderous rage
It's inspired by this terrible idea floating around:
MT: Replace a semicolon (;) with a greek question mark (;) in your friend's C# code and watch them pull their hair out over the syntax error
— Peter Ritchie (@peterritchie) November 16, 2014
There are many more characters in the Unicode character set that look, to some extent or another, like others – homoglyphs. Mimic substitutes common ASCII characters for obscure homoglyphs.
Fun games to play with mimic:
- Pipe some source code through and see if you can find all of the problems
- Pipe someone else's source code through without telling them
- Be fired, and then killed