Excellent rant found over at Spillers of Soup - just three paragraphs, go and read the whole thing.
"Non-whites do not understand White people. Muslims do not understand Christians. We Snow Folk seek peace and justice, and will go to tremendous lengths to avoid war and indiscriminate slaughter as per Jesus' instruction. We hold back because, in general, no one ever poses a threat to us great enough to justify a full effort on our part. Nuking the Vietnamese or Saddam Hussein would have been like smashing a hamster with a tire iron: pointless and messy.”
“Care to bet? I guarantee you that right now, right this very minute, that there exists somewhere in the Pentagon a detailed, step-by-step plan for the destruction of Islam by means of military force, from the Ka'aba right down to the shabbiest plywood shawarma stand in Karachi. Do you really think that the United States lacks the capacity to carry out this plan? Friend, there are weapons in existence of which most people could never dream that could do the job in an afternoon.
"Everyone knows that Switch is there. The whole reason for the War on Terror and everything that flowed from it was to keep that Switch from flipping. Bush and Obama put our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to deflect the righteous anger of White, Christian people from the actual backers of 9-11: the Saudis, and the worldwide network of assassins they fund and cover for. By sending in our boys to kick a little strawman ass, Bush and Obama kept Whitey's fingers far enough away from the Pearl Harbor Switch to keep it from being flipped.
And a big tip of the hat to Gerard for the link.