From PJ Media:
Record Cold Forces Rethink on Global Warming
Headlines around the world are reporting exceptionally frigid conditions and unusually high levels of snowfall in recent weeks. They tout these events as records, but few people understand how short the record actually is -- usually less than 50 years, a mere instant in Earth’s 4.6-billion year history. The reality is that, when viewed in a wider context, there is nothing unusual about current weather patterns.
Despite this fact, the media -- directly, indirectly, or by inference -- often attribute the current weather to global warming. Yes, they now call it climate change. But that is because activists realized, around 2004, that the warming predicted by the computer models on which the scare is based was not actually happening. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels continued to increase, but the temperature stopped increasing. So, the evidence no longer fit the theory. English biologist Thomas Huxley commented on this dilemma over a century ago:
"The great tragedy of science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact."
Indeed - where I am sitting was once buried under several hundred feet of snow and ice. It was also home to ferns 20 feet tall and a uniform 70°F over most of this planet (CO2 was up to 9,000ppm at that time) Our sun is a variable star and we are living in a post ice-age. We have been going through a brief modern warming period (late 1960's through 2010) and our sun is embarking on a grand minimum the likes of what we saw with the Maunder Minimum of 1645 through 1715.
Here is our sun's output this morning - the Planetary K-Index:
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