If they succeed, the liberals will wish that they had not. From Breitbart:
Rashida Tlaib’s First Day in Congress: ‘We’re Gonna Impeach the Motherf**ker.’
On her first day as a new member of the United States House of Representatives, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) called on her colleagues to begin taking steps towards impeaching President Trump.
Tlaib was fetted at a raucous reception later in the day by left wing advocacy group MoveOn.org. Her closing remarks there were, “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”
If these people do succeed in removing President Trump from office - what happens? Vice President Mike Pence becomes President. Trump may be a boor but he is a damn good businessman and has been great for America. Mike Pence is like DJT on steroids. Pence is a lot quieter but he is even more of a force for Constitutional Conservatism than Trump has ever been.
Those poor snowflakes will not know what hit them...
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