From Mother Jones so there is a lot of negative bias:
Google, Facebook, and Microsoft Sponsored a Conference That Promoted Climate Change Denial
Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have publicly acknowledged the dangers of global warming, but last week they all sponsored a conference that promoted climate change denial to young libertarians.
All three tech companies were sponsors of LibertyCon, the annual convention of the libertarian group Students for Liberty, which took place in Washington, DC. Google was a platinum sponsor, ponying up $25,000, and Facebook and Microsoft each contributed $10,000 as gold sponsors. The donations put the tech companies in the top tier of the event’s backers. But the donations also put the firms in company with some of the event’s other sponsors, which included three groups known for their work attacking climate change science and trying to undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
Oh the humanity. I can just see poor Stephanie (the author of this piece) running around with her hair on fire. Someone who is not conforming to the party line. Someone who has (shudder) independent thoughts and ideas. Someone who (the horror) actually looks at numbers instead of listening to the narrative.
It is not denial if the facts are on your side. Here is the website for the CO2 Coalition. From their ABOUT page:
The CO2 Coalition was established in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) for the purpose of educating thought leaders, policy makers, and the public about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide to our lives and the economy. The Coalition seeks to engage in an informed and dispassionate discussion of climate change, humans’ role in the climate system, the limitations of climate models, and the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions.
In carrying out our mission, we seek to strengthen the understanding of the role of science and the scientific process in addressing complex public policy issues like climate change. Science produces empirical, measurable, objective facts and provides a means for testing hypotheses that can be replicated and potentially disproven. Approaches to policy that do not adhere to the scientific process risk grave damage to the economy and to science.
All indications point to another Maunder Minimum period of cooling for the next couple hundred years. We are doing nothing to prepare for this. Unfortunately, there is no way to hold the chicken-little scientists accountable for their predictions of catastrophic warming. The truth is going to hurt.
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