Of course - it's all about the narrative. To be a Vietnam Veteran sounds good. From The Lid:
Video Proof Of Nathan Phillips’ Lying By Saying Was Vietnam Vet
Nathan Philips the Native American Tribal Elder involved in the Covington Catholic High School incident this weekend has a track record of dishonesty and crime. The most recent and most visible lie was that Philips’ initial story of his supposed confrontation with the High School kids. That story was thoroughly discredited once a more extended version of the incident video was found and released.
And the specifics - referencing a video in the post:
Below is part of a video he made for the Native Youth Alliance, He definitely says he was a Vietnam Vet and that he was “in the theater.” If he served in Vietnam it had to be with fellow Vietnam combat fraud Connecticut Senator Blumenthal, and the only “theater” Mr. Philips was in during his Marine years had sticky floors, sold popcorn and Raisinets, and showed a movie.
Military Times received a statement from the Marine Corps explaining that Philips did not serve in Vietnam. Per the USMC he spent four years in the Marine Corps Reserve and left in 1976 with the rank of private, or E-1, and never left stateside.
His duty status says “discharged,” not “honorably discharged ”Jennifer Van Laar explains it probably has to do with his multiple stints in confinement after being AWOL.
And outside the military?
According to the Washington Examiner, Nathan Philips was no angel outside the USMC. He has a violent criminal record and escaped from jail as a 19-year old and was also charged with alcohol-related crimes.
Typical liberal bullshitter. The narrative and not the facts. These people live in their own special little world.
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