Give those thugs a good long jail sentence - from The Daily Caller:
Washington, D.C. Antifa leader Joseph “Jose” Alcoff, also known as “Chepe,” was arrested and charged with multiple felonies in Philadelphia on Jan. 10 in connection to the Antifa mob attack against two Marines in November.
Alcoff faces 17 charges, including multiple counts of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, conspiracy and terroristic threats, and one count of robbery while inflicting serious bodily injury.
And the incident in question?
The Marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, testified in December that a group of 10 to 12 Antifa members called them “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and attacked them on the street despite their denials that they had no association with the right-wing group demonstrating nearby.
During the attack, Godinez said he shouted “I’m Mexican” at the mob, which allegedly led the attackers to call him a “spic” and “wetback.”
Nice guys - isn't it always interesting that when you get under the veneer of these tolerant and socially accepting people you find prejudice of the worst order. Their use of the word Nazi is especially ironic as the full name of Hitler's Nazi party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National-Socialist German Workers' Party - the very same socialism that these idiots advocate.
Antifa is a toxic organization which began in the 1920's - from Infogalactic:
Antifa (from Anti-fascists) is the name of dozens of loosely bound and informally organized direct action protest groups that claim to be opposed to fascism. However, they largely exist to engage in violent anti-free speech demonstrations targeting right-wing opponents.
Just a bunch of brain-dead thugs.
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