The ruling elite do something to piss off the Normals. The Normals react by holding demonstrations. The elites pass a law to ban the demonstrations. Sounds like a nicely functioning representative Democracy to me. From Reuters:
Bill targeting 'yellow vest' 'hooligans' ignites French freedom debate
French lawmakers have backed a bill banning protesters from hiding their faces during demonstrations, reinforcing President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to push back against violent members of the “yellow vest” movement.
The bill, which is expected to secure approval next week, also grants police greater powers to extract potential trouble-makers from demonstrations.
Addressing the lower house National Assembly, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner urged members to “stop the brutes ... (who listen) only to their hunger for chaos”.
Opponents of the “anti-casseurs” (anti-hooligan) bill accused the government of impinging on civil liberties, with the debate exposing divisions within Macron’s party, which has a comfortable majority in parliament.
The tactics used by police around the country have come under scrutiny, in particular the firing of “flash ball” riot guns, which have caused serious injuries, including at least one person blinded in one eye.
Do not forget that this whole movement started because the French government wanted to raise taxes on gasoline. A French citizen must carry a yellow reflective vest in their car at all times. When I heard this, it made perfect sense to me and I now do the same thing. If I am stranded on the side of a busy road changing a tire after dark, I want all the advantages I can get. The French tax was going to raise the end price of gasoline by 70% over the next few years and it was being imposed to combat Global Warming. Stupid. No wonder their Elites have a problem.