Coming back from shopping this afternoon, I swung by Del-Fox meats to get the bacon for dinner and a bag of dog bones. They know that I come out of there with the bag of bones so they get very excited. My last stop before home was an auction house to see what was being sold tomorrow. I accidentally left the bag on the passenger's seat. I was in there for less than five minutes and when I got back in, I saw that the bag had been moved. Inside was the bacon but not the bones.
Found the bones in the far back of the car - Grace was curled around them and there were just a few punctures in the plastic. "Just tasting to see if they were all right" was the expression on her face. Bear was very sheepish - betting that it was him that fished the bones out of the shopping bag and brought them to the back of the car for both of them to enjoy.
They are now downstairs munching away happily.
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