A bit of corruption and an astonishingly poor judgement call - from PJ Media:
Ilhan Omar Endorsed Somalia’s New President. Four Days Later, Omar’s Brother-in-Law Had a Powerful Job in His Administration
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) became the first Somali-American legislator in United States’ history when Minnesota’s House District 60B elected her on November 8, 2016. The distinction won Omar immediate fame and influence in Somalia, which was entering the final stretch of a critical presidential election of its own.
According to prominent federal security clearance defense attorney Sean Bigley (read below), Omar's documented actions in the weeks that followed would almost certainly prevent any applicant with such a background from obtaining or keeping a U.S. security clearance.
Ilhan Omar is now a U.S. congresswoman, however. Elected federal officials are exempted from the arduous security clearance process; they hold de facto clearances once sworn in to office. Further, Omar will likely be privy to a significant amount of classified national security information this term. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has granted Omar's request for a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Pelosi's action here is incredibly naive. Omar became a US citizen in 2000. She served two years in the Minnesota House of Representatives (elected in 2016). She is a political newbie with not very much experience. That she would be given a seat on the Fireign Affairs Committee is unreal.
What follows is a story of corruption and nepotism which has been playing out since a few months after her 2016 election. This is not about representing we the people - this is political power pure and simple. The story is so long and well documented that it is difficult to excerpt - go and read it for yourself and then, remember that this woman is going to be on the committee which sets middle eastern policy.
And here is a good article on her rabid antisemitism at Commentary Magazine
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