The radio net was a lot of fun this morning. Lastged about an hour. There were actually two nets - the first was run by the WA State EOC (Emergency Operations Center) and they called out to about 30 of the localized EOCs in Northwestern Washington from Blaine down to near Lynwood. The State EOC is in Camp Murray near Tacoma. Camano Island Fire and Rescue calls in to this net every week. We also participate in large excercises.
The second network was just local responders - Red Cross, various Fire and S&R teams.
I get to do the whole thing by myself on February 5th - should be fun...
Spent a couple hours after that getting some breakfast and running a few errands. Planning to stay down here tonight as I got this in my inbox from the Island County Public Works:
High tide in the morning
Winds are predicted to be light from the north. NASWI predicted with north winds at 10 and gusts to 17.
Tides at about 0700:
Port Townsend 10.36'
Seattle 13.69
Theses are above the HAT (High Astronomical Tide)
Expect minor saltwater flooding at this tide level.
Want to be here to see what it looks like - the mother of King Tides...
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