Perfect example of something that sounds good as opposed to something that actually does good. From CNBC:
California bill would curb use of paper receipts to reduce waste, push digital alternative
A California lawmaker introduced legislation this week that would make the state the first to bar retailers from giving out printed receipts unless a customer requests them.
The proposed measure — Assembly Bill 161 — would require stores to use electronic receipts as the default option. Stores that give out printed receipts without first being asked by the customer could be subject to fines. If passed, the bill could have implications far beyond California, according to experts.
“There’s a negative impact on the environment with these receipts and the inability to recycle them,” said Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, who introduced the legislation.
Christ on a corn dog - most businesses I shop at already do this. They offer me the option of a receipt if I want. I hate emailed receipts because registering for these invariably brings in "promotional" emails from the company. I do not like spam and try to keep it at a minimum. My store does this - we are happy to print out a receipt for the customer if they want but the default setting for the printer is OFF.
Doing something that sounds good as opposed to something that actually does good is the hallmark of progressive ideologues everywhere. They are out of touch with reality and do not see that the additional layer of legislation does nothing except drive up the cost of government - the cost of which is borne by We The People.
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