Great essay from the founder of Home Depot. From Campus Reform:
Home Depot co-founder: Socialism 'comes right out of the universities.' He's not wrong.
Home Depot billionaire co-founder Bernie Marcus said Friday that the growing appeal to socialism in America comes out of the universities.
Marcus, during an interview with Fox News' Neil Cavuto, discussed the deterioration of socialist Venezuela and Cuba, comparing the situations in those countries today with the realities there decades ago, pre-socialist rule. Marcus called the economic downturns in each of those countries, Cuba, in particular, a "perfect example of socialism gone wrong."
"They [Cuba] took a great country. They put it right down the drain in every way possible," Marcus said. "People are starving to death. Medical [care] is not available for them. And we have a group of people in Washington today, new representatives especially, that look at socialism as the way to go and if you don't think that's dangerous, I do."
The universities:
"It comes right out of the universities. You see students graduating today and a very high percentage...almost 50 percent of students coming out of universities today believe that socialism is the answer," Marcus said. "That's frightening to me because the things that made this country great, that created the wealth of this country, and I mean the wealth of every single person right down the line, the best medical care in the world, the best housing in the world, that's why people want to come here, is because of the system, and that's the free enterprise system."
Vox Day said it best:
In academia there is no difference between academia and the real world; in the real world there is.
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