Cliff Mass has the details:
Cold Wave to Hit the Pacific Northwest With Some Lowland Snow Possible
Some of us may have been feeling safe here in the Northwest, as extraordinary cold has hit the Midwest and the eastern U.S..
Soon we will be feeling the sting of cold temperatures and even the potential for lowland snow.
The coldest air of the winter will reach our area on Sunday, and Monday's temperatures in western WA may not get above freezing. Savage cold and wind will hit the Bellingham area. Eastern WA will make an icebox seem warm. The mountains will get plenty of snow and some of the lowlands we be whitened.
You might want to get prepared on Saturday--winterize your home (e.g., remove hoses from faucets), gas up your car, make sure the antifreeze is up to snuff, and move your pets inside after Sunday AM. Our region will have to pay extra attention to making sure our homeless folks are in warm places.
Just wonderful - more wind. The farm is in a valley that runs north/south so it will be getting the brunt of these winds. Already lost a couple of trees this winter.
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