I hate it when people go full Social Justice Warrior - they leave themselves open to the whole Get woke, Go broke thing. One of my favorite websites for recipies and cooking techniques has been J. Kenji Lopez-Alt's Serious Eats.
It seems he is also partner in a restaurant which brings us to this story from the New York City FOX News affiliate:
San Francisco area restaurant bans 'Make America Great' hats, compares to white hoods and swastikas
An award-winning cookbook author and California restaurant owner says anyone wearing a red "Make America Great Again" baseball cap will be refused service at his restaurant.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt is a chef-partner of the Wursthall restaurant in San Mateo and says in a tweet Sunday that he views the hats as symbols of intolerance and hate.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported Thursday that Lopez-Alt's decision was met with mixed reaction by restaurant clients.
Diners interviewed by the newspapers said they understood Lopez-Alt's stance but questioned the hat ban and said he could have found a way to start a dialogue on the issue. On Twitter, many criticized the so-called tolerance of the liberal Bay Area.
Pity. I will certanly keep using his website - great content and it is free. I will not buy any of his books though - I will borrow them from the library and photocopy anything I want to keep.
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