March 3, 2004

Marxist economist

From A Dogs Life comes a link to the obituary for Paul Sweezy, Marxist Publisher and Economist. I'll let Greg say it: bq. Buried in his obituary in the Times is this gem: bq. ... Mr. Sweezy soon left academia. Because of an inheritance from his father, a banker, he had enough money to support himself. Mr. Sweezy later told friends that if he had been forced to work for a living, he might have been more of a conformist. bq. Isn't Capitalism remarkable? It provides the means for trust-fund Marxists to pursue their ridiculous political philosophy. When has Marxism provided the means for capitalists to pursue their desires? Well put... It gets my goat that people like E. Said, N. Chomsky, as well as the whole pantheon of lesser lefty moonbats continue to rail against everything the USA stands for but I don't see any of them moving out to their socialist paradises... Sheesh! Posted by DaveH at March 3, 2004 1:21 PM