Cool technology
Microsoft Research labs has something new that's really cool...
Here is the article.
bq. "Hey dad, can I go outside and play?" That's what most kids say to their parents. But one day Michael Cohen's daughter said, "Hey, dad, can I go into my picture and play?" And he said yes. He sliced time and space to let her swing on the monkey bars in the playground her imagination had designed.
This software will take input from a camcorder and turn it into a cartoon. You need to check every 15-20 frames or so to make sure that everything is OK but the bulk of the process is automated. Very very cool stuff...
Unfortunately, they are not planning to release it as a product anytime soon.
I used to work at MSFT and saw a bunch of cool stuff disappear down the rabbit hole - I hope this one doesn't...
Posted by DaveH at August 13, 2004 5:41 PM