November 11, 2007

Something missing in Tibet - Google maps

A dashed line separating this sovereign nation from its neighbor, China. Go to Google Maps and type in Tibet. You will see this. Notice no boundary lines, nothing to separate the sovereign nation of Tibet from that of China. Just how much has Google sold out to China? What else will we see from them? Editing data doesn't really build confidence -- is this where Google has jumped the shark? Posted by DaveH at November 11, 2007 11:18 PM

This doesn't appear to be a fair conclusion.

The map you link to does not show any regional/provincial boundries for China. Tibet is not handled any differently than any other area of China.

Google Earth does show the correct boundry (the same as MSN Maps) if you elect to have boundries shown.

Any other distinction that might be made of Tibet is political and it would call into question Google's value if they made political statements with their maps.

The build date for my Google Earth program is 14 Jul 2005. I have heard that more recent versions do not have Tibet in the database, but I am hesitant to upgrade to verify if it means loosing data.

Posted by: Kelly at November 12, 2007 1:00 AM
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