October 7, 2010

Connecting the Dots

Corruption in politics is endemic to the territory. Lord Acton summed it up perfectly. The current Labor Unions are especially rotten to the core -- not seeming to care how obvious their power grabs are. What used to be a benevolent organization working to protect the rights of the common man is now an example of Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy:
Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representative who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions.
Over at Breitbart's Big Government, LaborUnionReport writes about connecting the dots:
How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November�s Election Right Now
Here is a prediction: Across the country, there will be races that some candidates will lose even though poll numbers, right now, indicate otherwise.

As you read this, at present, you should know that there are only seemingly disconnected anecdotal dots that are starting to connect. However, if the dots do fully connect, we may not know until well after the November 2nd election if, in fact, America�s democratic election process will have become the victim of the biggest fraud in our nation�s history. What�s worse, with early voting beginning this week in many states, it may already be too late to do anything about it.

In order to break this down, here are the disconnected dots that are detailed below:
  • First Dot: The SOS Project
  • Second Dot: The SEIU�s Shenanigans
  • Third Dot: 11 Million Illegal Immigrants
  • Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman
  • Fifth Dot: Voter Registration
  • Sixth Dot: Union GOTV Strategies
  • Seventh Dot: Early Voting
  • Connecting the Dots
The writer then goes through each line item one by one with links to source material. Well worth reading and sharing. These people need to be shut down. I wrote this back in April:
Unions have lost sight of what they are for. They were formed to protect the rights and the safety of the workers.

Now, they are only about preserving the union itself and about power and control.

If the Unions were effective, they would have shut down the Massey Coal mine long before the fire and explosion. The workers knew that working conditions there were below mining standards. The Unions sat back and did nothing. Now thirty workers are dead.

If the Unions were effective, they would have shut down the Tesoro Refinery in Anacortes, WA long before the fire and explosion. The workers knew that working conditions there were below refinery standards. The Unions sat back and did nothing. Now seven workers are dead.

If the Unions were effective, they would not be negotiating egregious pensions for their workers. Why should a worker who puts $200K into their retirement plan be able to receive almost One Million in pension and benefits on retirement. The workers should be shown that this is not sustainable but the Union bosses tell them that everything is fine and they just go along with it. Those workers that �get it� figure that they will be out of the system before it crashes so they might as well sit back and get theirs. The Unions sat back and did nothing. Now the retirement plan is crashing a lot sooner than expected.

Power and Control in the hands of a few. Nothing less, nothing more. Certainly not caring for the workers.
This was written before the Deepwater Oil Rig disaster with seventeen people dead and safety concerns before the explosion. Another Union shop... Posted by DaveH at October 7, 2010 7:51 PM
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