in the Michagan News
But ten years ago, something happened in Austin. The meat packing plants began transporting illegal aliens from Texas to work in the plants around Austin. Why? To increase profits. At first, it didn�t mean much because the illegal aliens worked at odd jobs. They didn�t complain because they feared being deported. Their numbers were so small that the regular workers didn�t take notice.
That changed as the years passed. As ten illegals turned into 100 and then into 1000, and now over 3,000, Austin, Minnesota suffers accelerating problems. Once Austin kids skipped to school to learn their ABC�s. Today, they experience several foreign languages they can�t understand. At first, the teachers had the top kids in the class try to teach the �new� kids how to speak English. But as the food processing plants kept importing more workers and more kids, the teachers suffered the onslaught. Today, classroom teachers must deal with languages, head lice, hepatitis and the threat of tuberculosis because illegal aliens and their children bypass health screening at the border. Last year, eight police officers in Austin tested positive for tuberculosis.
Along with the illegal aliens came drugs, driving without driver�s licenses, lack of health insurance, non-citizens using medical facilities on taxpayer�s money, safe houses where illegals sleep 20 to a house, and a growing tension in the community.
The city leaders, at first, tried to accommodate the incursion into Austin. But, slowly, steadily, jobs vanished and if an Austin citizen complained--an illegal alien would take his place. The workplace, where standards were once upheld, now became a dangerous place where safety violations were overlooked and common place. At first the papers reported the drunk, drugged and disorderly that were arrested as �illegal aliens�, but soon, they became �undocumented workers�. A few townspeople stood up to protest at schools and community meetings but were shouted down by being called �racists�.
The downside of being overly Politically Correct...