This one is from "sk" who replied to my
February 13th post regarding a classy gent -- a Mr. Muzzammil Hassan -- who murdered his wife by beheading her.
"sk" comments:
you people are disgusting bringing in religion into crimes of passion or domestic violence. In case you noticed no one spoke of Scott Peterson's religion when he killed his wife with unborn child. You guys are racist and islamophobes!! shame on you!!
We had a similar post a few days ago from "trace" who didn't seem to like the
images I posted of a Koran with pigs blood on it. My reply to "trace"
can be found here.
Last first:
#1) - I am not a Racist.
#2) - I am not an Islamophobe.
I do not fear these 9th century misguided followers of the Prophet of Satan. Instead, I pity them. I detest them. I am sincerely saddened that such a once-great culture should fall so thoroughly to such a base level.
sk's first point:
you people are disgusting bringing in religion into crimes of passion or domestic violence.
It was the uniquely Islamic technique that caught my eye -- beheading is not practiced anywhere else at this time but it remains to be something that the Islamofascists like to do as it gives them complete power over the victim.
Piotr Stanczak is only the latest in a long long line.
And maybe it was the sad irony --
that Hassan:
Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.
sk's second point:
In case you noticed no one spoke of Scott Peterson's religion when he killed his wife with unborn child.
All murder is vile under any circumstances. These people should be locked away for the rest of their lives with little or no contact with anyone else. Draconian, yes. Effective, you betcha! A murderer has forfeited his rights when he took the life of another human being.
Scott Peterson's religion into this is a classic example of
Straw Man logical fallacy.
I farm. I kill and eat our chickens. My freezer in the garage has a half cow and a pig that came from local farmers. Life is a complex cycle and sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Being at the top of the food chain has its advantages (tasty advantages!).
That line is drawn when it comes to human beings.
Thou Shalt Not Kill sums it up quite nicely, something the Islamist trash should take to heart.
If you claim that Islam is the Religion of Peace, here is a website for you.
Check out:
The Religion of Peace
If you scroll down about half-way, there is this: List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months
Here is an explanation of the list:
About the List of Terrorist Attacks
If you are serious about learning the truth, spend seventeen minutes over at this site:
Fitna The Movie