Celebrating our Independence Day

I am starting off the morning here reading Andrew Breitbart's Big Government website and two posts catch my eye. The first is the announcement from Andrew of the launch of a brand new site: Big Peace:

A New Declaration of Independence
How fitting that BigPeace.com is rolling out on the 234th anniversary of the first Declaration of Independence! For, with the launch of this newest of the marvelous Breitbart web portals, the national security community can finally break the stranglehold the legacy media has heretofore had on what the American people know about the issues that are likely to have the greatest effect on them and those they love.

Thanks to Big Peace, issues of vital importance to our security - including such topics as: the threat posed at home and abroad by the theo-political-legal-military code authoritative Islam calls Shariah; the implications of President Obama's pursuit of a world without nuclear weapons and the defective New START Treaty meant to advance that dangerous initiative; the menace facing our sovereignty and liberties at the hands of "transnationalists" and their international lawfare; the opportunities for securing our borders and energy supplies; and many more - will be made available to millions of Americans in an authoritative, timely and evocative manner.

And we won't have to worry about getting it all past the anti-defense biases of editors and reporters at places like the New York Times or NBC.

The timing of this roll-out is particularly opportune as it means there is a chance that the momentous electoral decisions looming this Fall can be made by voters who actually have a clue about the dangers we face - and who will be able to hold accountable incumbents and contenders alike with respect to their views on the appropriate responses. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, never has better information been more needed by so many.

The second is the announcement of a new initiative:

Opposing Obama's Blueprint by Celebrating American Exceptionalism
On the Fourth of July, we don't only celebrate the birth of our nation. We celebrate American exceptionalism -- everything that makes the United States the greatest nation on earth. In celebrating this, we reject Barack Obama's blueprint for the kind of country he seeks to make us.

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six dedicated patriots resolved to risk everything in the hope of a new beginning. Elected to represent colonists from across the thirteen British colonies on the American continent, they decided to embark upon a grand experiment, to form a self-governing democratic republic.

They were risking their lives. Had they failed, they would have been hanged as traitors, their lands confiscated by the Crown, their fortuned forfeited, and their families left disgraced and destitute.

Yet they succeeded, and the freest, safest, and prosperous nation in the world was born.

We don't just celebrate the historical fact of America's birth. When we celebrate Independence Day, we celebrate everything the United States stands for.

We celebrate the right to speak what we will, no matter how unpopular, without fear of government reprisal. We celebrate our right to worship according to the dictates of our conscience. We celebrate our right to bear arms in defense of ourselves and our freedom. We celebrate our right to be secure in our homes and our families, and should we become entangled with the law, our right not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process, which includes everything from our right to a jury trial, to our right to a lawyer, to our right to not incriminate ourselves or be tortured.

While many of us take those rights for granted, the reality is that they are rare, both in history and even around the globe today. But those rights, that liberty, is what we celebrate on the Fourth of July.

In other words, what we celebrate is American exceptionalism.

That's the belief that America is something special. We are a shining beacon of light throughout the world and throughout the annals of history. We are the exception, not the rule.

Could not have said it better myself...

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