Sarah Palin on Pelosicare

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Great concise statement on what is so very wrong with Pelosicare From Sarah Palin:
Speaker Pelosi: Your Blue Dogs are Howling
Like many Americans, I�m very concerned about the efforts underway to rush through the 2,000 page Pelosi health care bill this weekend. Why the rush? That�s a lot of pages to read. Why not give everyone the chance to read it and debate it?

How much will this bill cost us? It�s unclear because the figures coming out of Washington keep changing � and always in the direction of costing more, not less. The latest numbers show it will cost more than a trillion dollars over the decade, but when has a government program ever come in on or under budget?

How will we pay for it? Taxes, of course � and not just on the �rich� (you know, the people who spur the economy by buying goods and running companies that employ people), but also on just about everyone, especially small businesses � the job-creating engine of our economy. One of the points of health care reform was to help small businesses with the cost, but this bill hurts them � and right at a time when so many Americans are out of work and need the jobs that small businesses produce.

What�s in this bill? The �death panel� provision is in it. Medicare cuts are in it. Coverage of illegal immigrants is in it. And federal funding for abortion is in it. I commend the many Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats who are taking a principled stance to fight this.
Over 4000+ comments -- a sample:
Pelosi is acting like she thinks that God died and left her boss. She is supposed to be representing us, not ruling us. Something needs to happen to instruct our so-called representatives that we, the people, will not have this dictatorship!!! Civil war can happen with the mood of the people these things are causing.
Sarah also links to John Boehner's Blog:
Mega-Bureaucracy: J.E.C. Chart Shows Speaker Pelosi�s New Bill Will Create Unprecedented Health Care Labyrinth
The Joint Economic Committee (JEC) House Republican staff, which earlier this year created a chart mapping the bureaucratic complexity of Speaker Nancy Pelosi�s original health care proposal (H.R. 3200), has combined similar analysis by the House Republican Conference with the earlier chart. The analysis details new additions to the health care bureaucracy contained in the new version of the Speaker�s bill (H.R. 3962) that were not previously listed. Let�s just say the Speaker�s vision for government-run health care hasn�t gotten any simpler.

�This is the blueprint for a taxpayer-funded mega-bureaucracy,� said House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH). �The new chart is an astonishing and unsettling glimpse of the future that awaits American health care, should H.R. 3962 be passed by the House and signed into law.�

The chart, completed at the direction of Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), the committee�s ranking House Republican Member, shows that the Pelosi plan has grown even more complex in the months since it was originally unveiled by congressional Democrats. The new bill - expected to be brought to a vote in the House as early as Saturday - contains all of the bureaucracy of the original plan, plus a whole lot more, the chart illustrates. The full chart can be seen here.
The chart is a large PDF file and worth taking a look at -- I have seen a lot of ORG charts in my life and this one is downright byzantine in its complexity -- it is almost as though they were purposefully obfuscating it...

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