Just go and read - Covid-19

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An excellent rant about testing, false positives and the current spike in cases - Karl Denninger at The Market Ticker:

How To End The Covid-19 Threat, Right Now
If you recall back in February when Covid19 first started and I was splitting my coverage between impeachment and the virus I noted several dislocation-style events in the claimed Wuhan data coming out of China.  I noted that these events were statistical impossibilities for a virus and indicated that China was lying.  One can infer the reason for said lying, but you can't prove it.

But that it was happening was clear.  After the third or fourth one I simply gave up and stopped reporting on the "cases" because the data was clearly being tampered with and reporting on something you know is bull**** is the very definition of fake news.

Through the late spring and into the summer a very clean formulaic view of this disease became apparent, and pieces of what were conjecture were conclusively validated.  Basic epidemiology tells you that herd suppression happens at 1- (1/R0); this is the point at which, statistically-speaking, each infected person fails to find a new victim during their infectious window.  This does not mean the disease disappears, but it does mean that the sort of spike we have seen repeatedly cannot happen any more.

Karl talks about statistics, herd immunity, some numbers and then drops this bombshell:

But then yesterday Elon Musk showed up.  He wants to be in the NASA control room, a very reasonable desire, when his Dragon capsule is launched with real people in it.  NASA requires a negative Covid test to be there.  That seems somewhat reasonable too; this is a high-security area and the people in there are very important to NASA, so if they want a swab up your nose, well, here it comes.

He popped positive.  No soup for you, sir, says NASA!

Except.... Musk is richer than God and he also doesn't give a **** about shoving government bull**** right up their ass.  So he demanded a re-test, right there, right now.  I assume he offered to pay for it too; the privilege of not caring about money helps in a situation like this, you see.

And, because he's not stupid and, as I said, he's perfectly happy to shove bull**** up their ass, he didn't just do this once.

He did it three more times.  All on the same day, same nurse, in sequence.

He got two positive and two negative results.

Now Musk is either positive or negative, obviously.  But whichever way it is he just dropped a nuclear weapon in the middle of the Covid19 testing industry and blew it to beyond the orbit of Mars.  Exactly nobody in the media is reporting that, but that's what he did -- conclusively.

You see, Musk proved that the error rate is not 2%, 5% or even 10%.

Elon Musk conclusively proved that the test is nothing more than a coin toss that has no relationship to the actual state of a person being tested. It is purely a scare-mongering tool to return big numbers and thus drive more $100 million day collections of money by the testing companies for a literal worthless test that is not diagnostic of anything.

The test is junk. The numbers are junk.  This is not a public health problem, this is a big government power grab.
They are using this to set policy without having any science to back up their mandates.
Lots more at the site - well worth your time to read. Karl really explains things very well.

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This page contains a single entry by DaveH published on November 15, 2020 7:25 PM.

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