Some wise words - Adam Carolla

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At RedState:

Adam Carolla Brilliantly Breaks Down Self-Esteem, Free Speech, and Cancel Culture
Adam Carolla wants to know why he should listen to dummies.

In an interview with The Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill, the entertainer continued his long-established position on liberty: He’s for it.

What caught my eye:

“We started…in earnest with this self-esteem movement, that it’d be really good if everyone had high self-esteem. And the way you get high self-esteem is through accomplishing things that are tough. But you can’t just hand people high self-esteem and tell them they’re the best and they don’t need to listen to anybody, and nothing they can do is wrong. And when you do that, you create a monster, essentially. You create horrible citizens.”

“[W]hen people try to graft self-esteem onto you, you will be miserable eventually. And the reason you’ll have to be miserable is ’cause everyone’ll keep telling you, ‘Oh, you’re the best, you’re the coolest, you’re the greatest,’ and everything like that. But you start looking around, and five years [have] gone by, and clearly there’s nothing going on — like you’re not the best, you’re not rich, you don’t have a great job, you don’t have a cool car. So now you feel like the best person in the world driving a beat-up car and working at a Burger King, and…that then turns to anger. … If you’d earned that self-esteem — if you felt as good about yourself as you should feel about yourself based on your accomplishments — then you would have a completely different world view.”

Much more at the site - this is a wide-ranging interview.

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