Throwing the rioters under the bus - Seattle

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The Dems had Antifa on call.  These children were funded and trained by the left and their task was to be the militant arm of the Democrat party.  The socialist's own brownshirts to use an historical term. Now that the national socialists think that they have cemented their power, these field operatives are no longer needed.  From FOX News:

Seattle police chief vows to be tougher on rioters after some crimes not prosecuted
Seattle police will start cracking down on rioters who damage businesses, the city's interim police chief warned Saturday.

Chief Adrian Diaz's pledge came days after anti-Biden rioters left Pike Place Market’s original Starbucks coffee shop with its windows smashed and numerous downtown business owners feeling abandoned by the city, according to reports.

Of course.  They are no longer needed to it is time to lock them up.  Put on a good show of force - fighting crime.  The Biden interregnum is "tough on crime".

What gets me is that these kiddies were thinking that they would be getting a seat at the adult's table. What blind fools.  What idiots. They were only "organized" to be a thorn in the side of the conservatives. Now that the progressives are in power, all that these children represent is a loose canon.  A "thing" to be rounded up and put into the re-education camps. The need for them is over and done with - it is time for them to be liquidated.

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This page contains a single entry by DaveH published on January 24, 2021 12:29 PM.

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