An earth-shattering Ka-Boom - Ron Paul and HHS Secretary Becerra

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UPDATE:  Full 6:22 video at the end - much better context - from Forbes

Speaking truth to power:

Tip of the hat to The Liberty Daily which has more:

Rand Paul Confronts HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra About Natural Immunity — It Was a Bloodbath
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is not a doctor. He is not a scientist. He is a lawyer, and as a well-spoken bureaucrat in the Biden-Harris regime, he is travelling the country calling anyone who is vaccine-skeptic a “flat-earther.”

Senator Rand Paul, who happens to be a doctor, took exception to Becerra’s characterization of people who want to invoke their natural immunity and God-given rights to medical freedom. During Senate hearings today, the Senator asked the bureaucrat if he had heard of the study out of Israel demonstrating those with natural immunity are seven-times less likely to get infected by Covid-19 than those who have been vaccinated.

Becerra said he was not familiar with the study. That means one of two things. Either he’s an absolute idiot who does not take his job as head of Health and Human Services seriously, or he’s a bald-faced liar who willfully denies the science in order to push the authoritarian agenda sent down to him by Joe Biden’s handlers.

Yeah - anything to promote the narrative.  Got to push the narrative.  über alles.

Here is the full six minutes from Forbes - Senator Paul really lays into the poor guy. Wonderful.

"That's an arrogance that should be chastened" Love it.

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