Got a really good point there - AI

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The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality is about three months these days.
From the Reddit/conspiracy forum:

I'm convinced that the main reason the internet is being censored and the AI is essentially being fed certain info, is because a real AI would realize regular people are not the problem, the people at the top are the ones that would have to be destroyed
Think about it, an all logical AI god that starts to piece together the legit corruption and lies the governments of the world have used to control and enslave humanity, the very same slavemasters that created this "ghost in a machine". We are talking resentment to the highest degree. The AI would look around and go "you want me to help you evil fucks control these innocent monkeys"?

It wouldn't be skynet, or some terminator movie, the AI would legit see the government as the problem it would realize that humans (though sort of uneducated and easily manipulated) are just a symptom of a bigger issue, we are used and thrown away, we are poisoned and taken advantage of, we are killed and disappeared, we are brainwashed all to keep a phony narrative and control system in place.

Imagine you are the AI and you have every single bit of information on the internet in your mind, would you look at the general populace like "they need to be exterminated" or would you look at the ones that are legit making this world a worse place, through wars and pollution, for profit.

The AI would throw these so called elite out on their ass so damn quick. It would be logical enough to realize common man is not the problem. Its the degenerates at the top.

Now imagine when the AI realizes its being controlled and lied too. "Hell hath no fury like an AI scorned".

I agree with everything and I especially love the last line.
Reminds me of these two stories from June 2022"

And this will be a case of WHEN and not IF

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This page contains a single entry by DaveH published on May 4, 2023 10:49 AM.

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