We're all gonna die

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Yep - at some point.  Not from global warming though.  Not even close.

Yes, Earth's temperature is rising slowly.  But 20K years ago, North America was heavily glaciated.  Where I am sitting was under a few thousand feet of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  This was the fifth ice age that we know about.
We are in recovery from that.

From one of my favorite writers at one of my favorite websites
Willis Eschenbach at Watts Up With That:

Ice Cores, Temperatures, And CO2
I got to thinking about the ice cores. It’s pretty amazing to realize that the air trapped in the tiny bubbles in the ice is the very air that was trapped there way back when the ice formed. And that air can be hundreds of thousands of years old. Not only that, but we can analyze the trapped air to see the changes in CO2 over time.

How accurate are the results? Well, different ice cores drilled and analyzed by different groups of scientists give very similar results. Here are some recent ice core CO2 measurements, along with the Mauna Loa measurements in orange.

As you can see, there’s very good agreement between all of the various ice cores, ice core analysis groups, and ice core CO2 measurement methods. And the ice core measurements agree with the Mauna Loa CO2 observations quite well.

Another thing that can be calculated from the isotopes in the air trapped in the ice-core bubbles are the temperatures back in the day. The Vostok ice core data, one of the longest datasets, recorded four glaciated intervals and five “interglacials” including our current interglacial, the Holocene.

Here is the chart that makes everything clear:


Kind of makes things very very clear.  This has happened before.  It will happen again.
There is no crisis and to think that Humans are causing the warming is pure fscking hubris.

Some 260+ comments to the article - really good discussions back and forth.  I like WUWT as the readership is skeptical (not deniers) and generally well educated and willing to learn new things.  To explore new ideas.

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This page contains a single entry by DaveH published on May 12, 2023 4:52 PM.

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