Necessarily skyrocket - Hawai'i electricity

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The repercussions from this will be interesting to say the least - from Honolulu station KHON:

Hawaii gets last shipment of coal: Expect to pay more
Hawaii is receiving its final shipment of coal this week, which Gov. David Ige called a huge step forward in the state’s transition to clean energy.

Coal is the cheapest but dirtiest source of power for Oahu. A law put in place a couple of years ago will finally shut down the island’s last coal burning power plant.

“In its time, coal was an important resource for Hawai‘i and I’d like to thank the workers who have run our last remaining coal plant,” Ige said in a statement. “Renewable energy projects to replace coal are coming online with more on the way.”

Liberals - always doing things that SOUND good versus doing things that DO good.  No acountability for their actions.
Wishes do not come true just because you wish for them really really hard...
A bit more:

As KHON2’s Always Investigating reports, replacement power projects are behind schedule due to unexpected global events with supply chain issues, so Oahu residents should prepare to pay even more for electricity this fall.

In the meantime, consumers can either cut back on power, try solar and batteries, or pay more for oil-generated power — which costs as much as five times more than coal.

Emphasis mine. Once again, the renewables are not in place to take over and the alternative to coal:  costs as much as five times more than coal

The idea sounds good but the implementation leaves the Hawai'ian people in a world of hurt.

Necessarily skyrocket?  Barkey's turn of phrase:
This video was posted June 25th, 2013 by Rep. Darrell Issa but it was filmed in January 2008 as part of an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board. *Resident Biden is just Obama's 3rd term.

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